Wednesday, June 17, 2009

See the Moon!

I'm a Sam Rockwell fan. I think he's a terrific actor, and he's always been entertaining in the scant few films I've seen him in. So I'm always happy to hear about any new projects he's involved in.

Like, Moon. It's a story of a man who's been on the moon for three years, mining Helium-3 - a rare gas which is the solution to Earth's energy crisis. He's got two weeks left before he gets back to Earth, when things happen that shouldn't.

Sounds interesting enough, but the reason I'm salivating like a mad dog, is because of the kickass poster design for the film. It's the most brilliant design I've seen in a very long time:

Rockwell Rocks!

Click on it to see a bigger, better version.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Art Online

The final edits have been made to the Cariya Breemen website, and it is now fully functional, with no more "coming-soon" sections. The site is her online portfolio, and it showcases her art under three main sections:

1) Visual Art - Her paintings, mixed-media work, and art installations.

2) Couture Art
- One-of-a-kind designer clothes, often a direct translation of her paintings, a sort of "wearable art", if you must.

3) Culinary Art
- Her newest endeavour, exotic food items prepared for special occasions and events

Major edits on the site are:
- New write-ups for all sections
- Images added to the the "Couture Art" sub-sections
- New "Culinary Art" page added, with text and pictures